Founded in December 2000, the Center for Tibetan Studies (CTS) of Sichuan University (SCU) is one of the Key Research Institutes (KRI) of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) in Chinese Universities authorized by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE). CTS facilitates academic research in three research fields: economic and social development, history and culture, and archaeology and art of the Tibetan Plateau.
Over the course of last twenty-four years, CTS has developed various teaching programs in the field of Tibetan studies. Tibetan language training (both written and spoken) on different levels have been designed for both undergraduate and graduate students of the university. CTS recruits MA and PhD candidates in the fields of Tibetan history, archaeology of Tibet, Tibetan Buddhist art history, cultural heritage and museology, and contemporary Tibetan studies. It welcomes postdoctoral researchers and international and domestic visiting scholars.
CTS has twenty faculty and three staff members, including eleven professors and nine associate professors, an administrative assistant, an assistant editor of the CTS journal, and a librarian. Two to three internationally prestigious scholars are invited to work at CTS either as visiting scholars or as lecture scholars each year.
Zangxuexuekan (Journal of Tibetology, JOT) of CTS is a semi-annual journal that publishes articles in both Chinese and English; it is one of the top-ranked journals in ethnic studies on the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI).
CTS has its own professional library, website, and database.
CTS is currently led by the director Professor Huo Wei, and the vice directors Prof. Shi Shuo and Prof. Zhang Changhong.
The Institute for the Chinese Nation Studies at Sichuan University is among the most influential national and ethnic studies programs in China. Founded in 2020, the Institute for the Chinese Nation Studies provides national and ethnic studies training to students with focus on Tibetan studies throughout Sichuan University. The Institute has 26 full-time faculty, including 12 full professors and 14 associate professors. It has served as a national key research facility and think tank, and has been an important recipient of the National Social Science Fund of China. The main research projects in the institute include the formation and evolution of the Chinese nation, the history and current status of the relations between the Tibetans and other peoples in China, as well as the economic and social development in Southwest China.
The director of the Institute is Prof. Dr. Wei Huo, the first chair professor is Dr. Shuo Shi, the current chair professor is Dr. Xuan Li, and the executive director is Prof. Dr. Jin Li.
Research field
音乐鉴赏的论文论文的科学性无人驾驶论文论文 节日关于诚信的议论文素材经济法论文范文人力资源师论文论文文献排序金融学课程论文科学论文500字关于论语的议论文养老论文参考文献奉献议论文素材论文没有创新点国贸毕业论文选题青年奋斗议论文毛泽东论文古希腊神话论文机构的论文筹资管理论文法制史论文本科论文降重如何发sci论文论文瓜金融方面的论文萨德的论文讲论文义工程管理专业论文通信工程专业论文汽车维护与保养论文建筑设备工程论文关于人际交往的论文旅游学论文国贸专业论文题目汽车发动机论文中国书法论文文创论文题目经济学毕业论文选题友情议论文素材智能小车论文大专会计毕业论文有关大数据的论文有关师德的论文博士论文抽查在线论文翻译军民融合论文论文查重率软件古典音乐论文探索议论文800字家具的论文师德议论文高中化学教学论文本科生毕业论文范文幼儿心理学论文节能降耗论文关于基础的议论文三国演义议论文医学综述论文范文微生物论文飞机维修论文国家级论文发表论文答辩的意义参观博物馆论文议论文挑战环境生态学论文法律论文怎么写口腔毕业论文硕士学位论文查重工程热力学论文奉献的议论文800字论文发表期刊网本科毕业论文难吗初中议论文500字好奇的议论文素材同济大学硕士论文反省的议论文学术论文数据库学年论文范文副标题论文高尔夫论文友情的议论文国外硕博论文论文被抄袭论文研究的目的和意义人生价值论文质量论文发表高中议论文名言现金论文数学教育教学论文大学课程论文怎么写论文信仰论文收获和体会研究生论文ppt乡情议论文翻译专业论文题目议论文累字母论文质量管理体系论文努力的议论文800字关于单片机的论文交通灯论文做事的论文introduction论文奋斗主题的议论文学年论文大纲初中数学建模论文从小事做起议论文护理伦理论文新闻专业论文选题论文组成部分毕业论文参考文献怎么写仇论文平凡英雄议论文经济学小论文英语词汇学论文个人信息保护论文谈包容 议论文二年级语文论文现代信息技术论文写读书的议论文学前教育学论文中外美术史论文建筑工程职称论文我在 议论文论学习议论文自我认知的论文初中论文怎么写本科毕业论文 开题报告政治小论文怎么写无私奉献议论文大学毕业论文选题中文论文查重民间艺术论文日本饮食文化论文icu护理论文城南旧事论文法学毕业论文答辩社会实践论文模板科举制论文本科自考论文论文标题举例平等的议论文以貌取人议论文绿色物流包装论文教师心理健康论文论文的字数要求儒家文化论文议论文 国学改进论文英文论文范例论文绪论多少字硕士论文引言班主任论文题目大全论文选题的原因美术鉴赏论文题目平等议论文素材关于环境保护的论文sci论文版面费本科生优秀毕业论文德伯家的苔丝论文音乐教育教学论文代写代发论文议论文精彩开头配送中心选址论文语言学概论论文机械自动化论文大学语文议论文论文题目怎么居中论文查重没过怎么办形式逻辑论文权利论文健美操论文题目论文查重网站有哪些议论文范文600字中国文化论文选题有关艺术的论文无线通信论文关于志的议论文语文议论文素材积累论文如何降低重复率大学论文格式范文大国关系论文成本管理毕业论文多元回归分析论文会计电算化毕业论文热力学论文香农论文机械方面的论文音乐史论文英语论文 润色医院感染论文论文中存在的问题学会独立议论文关于动漫的论文学士论文致谢小学科学教育论文学期教育毕业论文群文阅读论文尽力而为议论文理性思考议论文