1.Lionbridge Technologies
是世界最大的翻译及本地化公司,为世界顶级品牌提供业界领先的翻译和本地化、数字营销、全球内容管理以及应用程序测试服务。与众不同的 Crowd-in-the-Cloud 交付模型为各项目(从针对单个市场的文档翻译到外包全球网站运营)确保了品牌的全球一致性以及当地市场的影响。由于数字、社会和移动内容需求不断增长,公司一直致力于用我们无可比拟的经验、扩展能力和对持续创新的专注力,帮助客户在不同的地域、平台和渠道取得成功。
地址:1050 Winter Street Suite 2300 Waltham, MA 02451
电话:+1 781-434-6000 传真:+1 781-434-6034 销售:+1 978-964-4858
TransPerfect was founded on a simple business premise: that unmatched quality and attentive client service could be competitive differentiators in the language services industry. Today, as the world’s largest privately held provider of translation services, TransPerfect utilizes a rigorously tested network of industry-expert linguists and full-time quality managers to ensure that the work we deliver is second to none. TransPerfect offers multiple levels of service based on client needs, ranging from draft / summary translation up to certified translation, featuring our multi-step translation and review process to ensure the highest level of accuracy and meet the evolving needs of global businesses.
地址:3 Park Avenue, 39th Fl New York, NY 10016
电话:+1 212.689.5555 邮箱: info@transperfect.com 网址:http://www.transperfect.com
3.LanguageLine Solutions
For more than 34 years LanguageLine Solutions has been enabling communications and empowering relationships by providing language access programs to help organizations serve their Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing communities. We remain steadfast in this commitment and are dedicated to providing total and complete client satisfaction.
In today’s ever increasing multicultural environment our interpreting and translation services, along with our interpreter testing and training solutions play an increasingly vital role for the clients we serve. Our full suite of solutions is designed to facilitate understanding at each and every customer, client, patient, or constituent touch point throughout your organization.
地址:1 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Building 2 Monterey CA, 93940 USA
电话:(800) 752-6096 邮箱: CustomerCare@languageline.com
成立于 1997 年,总部位于美国东海岸,在美国、英国、爱尔兰、德国、中国和日本设有 21 家分公司,翻译语言遍及 175 多种,并且在全球拥有 1,000 多名员工。Welocalize 致力于开创全球化翻译的新模式,这需要我们研究不同的文化、尝试先进的技术,与客户密切协作,从而实现“信、达、雅”的翻译效果。Welocalize 精心培育公司文化,助力员工充分发掘其潜能。我们的员工不仅才华横溢、热情投入,而且始终致力于提供高效、专业、优质的翻译服务。我们的决策层深谙“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”的真谛,知人善任,鼓励团队创新。正因如此,我们的员工才愿意与公司风雨同舟、长久与共,而客户也乐意与我们长期合作。
地址:241 East 4th St. Suite 207, MD Frederick, 21701 USA
电话:1.800.370.9515. 邮箱: Talent_Finders@welocalize.com
5.CyraCom International, Inc.
CyraCom is the leading provider of language interpreting services to healthcare, and its interpretation and translation solutions are exclusively endorsed by American Hospital Association. Whether in-person or via phone, video, mobile app, or written text, CyraCom bridges communication gaps for healthcare organizations that need rapid access to language assistance. The Company supports hundreds of languages and operates 24/7. CyraCom impacts the lives of millions in the United States by connecting those with limited English proficiency to healthcare services.In business since 1995, CyraCom services thousands of healthcare clients throughout the US, including many Fortune 500 healthcare providers – hospitals, systems, and insurers. Over 95% of CyraCom’s customers say they would recommend CyraCom’s interpreting services to others.
地址:5780 North Swan Road Tucson, Arizona 85718
电话:(800) 481-3289 邮箱:getstarted@cyracom.com 网址:http://www.cyracom.com
6.RR Donnelley Language Solutions
RR Donnelley (Nasdaq:RRD) helps organizations communicate more effectively by working to create, manage, produce, distribute and process content on behalf of our customers. The company assists customers in developing and executing multichannel communication strategies that engage audiences, reduce costs, drive revenues and increase compliance. RR Donnelley's innovative technologies enhance digital and print communications to deliver integrated messages across multiple media to highly targeted audiences at optimal times for clients in virtually every private and public sector. Strategically located operations provide local service and responsiveness while leveraging the economic, geographic and technological advantages of a global organization.
地址:35 West Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601
电话:1.312.326.8000 传真: 1.312.326.8001 网址:http://www.rrdonnelley.com