Sage Green Color
ColorsThe color sage green is a muted, earthy shade of green with a color code of #8B9467
. It has a slightly deeper tint and hints of yellow or gray undertones.
Sage Green Color Code
The following table provides Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for sage green.
Hex: | #B2AC88 |
RGB: | 178 172 136 |
CMYK: | 32 26 51 1 |
Sage Green vs Olive Green
While both sage and olive greens are muted, earthy shades, they differ in their undertones. Sage green tends to have a slightly deeper tone with hints of yellow or gray, while olive green has more brown undertones. This gives sage green a more complex and balanced feel compared to the softer, more natural look of olive green.
Colors That Go With Sage Green
Sage green pairs well with a variety of neutral and muted shades, such as beige, cream, gray, taupe, and white. These colors complement the earthy undertones of sage green while adding balance and harmony to any design. Additionally, soft pastels like pale pink or lavender can create a charming and delicate look when paired with sage green. The muted tones of these colors allow them to blend seamlessly with the earthy undertones of sage green, creating a soothing and balanced color scheme. To sum up, the colors that compliment sage green are:
- Beige
- Cream
- Gray
- Taupe
- White
- Pale Pink
- Lavender